Reps seek rehabilitation of collapsed Nasarawa-Plateau bridge

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By Femi Ogunshola

The House of Representatives has called for the immediate rehabilitation of a collapsed bridge linking Nasarawa and Plateau States.

The resolution followed the adoption of a motion by Rep Jeremiah Umaru (APC-Nasarawa)  at plenary in Abuja on Tuesday.

The lawmaker noted in his motion that a downpour, which lasted several hours, accompanied by heavy flooding, cut off half of the bridge, which is in Akwanga town.

Umaru said the bridge was a major gateway linking Nasarawa and Plateau states to other parts of Northern


He said the downpour caused flooding, which washed away half of the bridge on the highway in Akwanga town.

According to him, the bridge serves as a route for the transportation of goods and services to various parts of the country, adding that the incident has affected the delivery of goods and services.

Umaru said that this would affect the economic development of the country, adding that articulated vehicles had been directed to ply narrow streets in the town.

He said the deplorable condition of the alternative route from Akwanga through Wamba to other states was due to the pressure on the road.

This he said had resulted in an increased rate of accidents and frequent armed robbery attacks causing loss of lives and properties.

Adopting the motion, the house  urged the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing to complete the construction of the damaged Akwanga Highway Bridge, monitor and ensure that quality materials were used for the construction.

The house also urged the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) to commence the rehabilitation of Akwanga-Wamba Road to avoid further loss of lives and properties.

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It also urged the Ecological Fund Office and the Federal Ministry of Environment to urgently assist and proffer lasting solutions to flood and erosion-prone areas of Akwanga/Wamba/Nasarawa/Eggon Federal Constituency.

The house mandated the Committee on FERMA, when constituted, to ensure implementation.(NAN)

Edited by Mark Longyen/Sadiya Hamza

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