Welfare of military veterans is our priority – Defence Minister

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By Deborah Coker

The Minister of State for Defence, Dr Bello Matawalle, has said that the welfare of military veterans would always receive special attention from the Federal Government.

He said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Abuja, on Sunday.

He disclosed that President Bola Tinubu had approved a N35,000 palliative fund for each veteran, just like other federal government workers across the country.

“The veterans are already receiving the money. They have confirmed that to me.”

He stressed that Tinubu was particularly interested in the welfare of the old military officers and had directed that their demands be given quick attention.

“They are well taken care of and I can assure you that they are all happy with what is happening now. Mr President has done a lot for them. We don’t need to expose everything.”

The minister also spoke on the trauma cases arising from soldiers’ experiences in battle fields.

“The trauma cases are handled by professionals who are expected to do their best. We have directed the health management agencies to take special care of them.

“Generally, there is no cause for alarm. Our retired army officers are doing well. We appreciate their sacrifices and cannot abandon them,” he said. (NAN)

Edited by Ephraims Sheyin

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Durosawo Oyelami
Durosawo Oyelami
6 months ago

It’s not true that Veterans have been receiving the 35,000 naira as palliative. As a veteran, I have not received a kobo as a palliative and I have not had any Veteran confirming receipt of same. Let the Minister come out with the correct position on this.

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