Turkey to begin teachers’ vaccinations against COVID-19 next week

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Turkey will begin COVID-19 vaccination for teachers next week, Turkish Education Minister Ziya Selcuk said on Monday.

Selcuk made this known at the opening ceremony of a school in the southern province of Igdir, as the second semester started with in-person classes in village primary schools across the country.

He said “the first dose of vaccination for teachers will begin in the last week of February.”

He added that the Ministry of Education had submitted lists of teachers to the health ministry, and their names are now being registered in the vaccination appointment system.

So far, more than 4.1 million Turks have been vaccinated since the start of the mass vaccination programme on Jan. 14 with China’s Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines, according to data from Turkey’s Health Ministry. (Xinhua/NAN)

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Afonne Emmanuel
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