VON partnering China to broadcast in Mandarin- D-G

By Mark Longyen

The Director-General, Voice of Nigeria (VON), Malam Jibrin Ndace, says the organisation is currently working in partnership with China to begin broadcasting in Mandarin, China’s official language.


Ndace disclosed this at a dinner organised by Southern African Development Community (SADC) group of ambassadors and High Commissioners on Saturday in Abuja.


He said that the initiative would enable VON to reach a vast audience in China and promote cultural exchange between Nigeria, China and Africa.


According to him, it will also go a long way to consistently tell positive stories about Nigeria and Africa, as well as promote a positive narrative about the nation and the continent.


“I am currently exploring opportunities for VON to begin broadcasting in Mandarin, courtesy of our partnership with the Chinese government.


“This collaboration will enable us to reach a vast audience in China and promote cultural exchange between our nations.


“Let us take control of our narrative and let the world respect us.We need to be intentional about creating a positive narrative about Nigeria and Africa,” he said.


Ndace suggested the establishment of a partnership between SADC countries and VON, stressing that Africans share a common destiny, and should acknowledge and work towards it.


He said that by working together, they could collectively create a unified narrative that would showcase the best of Africa.


The D-G said he was willing to offer VON’s platform to all SADC countries willing to work with it, so as to consistently tell positive stories about Africa.


“We can offer our platforms to journalists from SADC countries to share their stories, and vice versa.


“We can work together to promote positive narratives about our continent, encourage travel within the African continent, and foster cultural exchange.


“We need to promote cultural exchange programmes, educational initiatives, and economic partnerships that foster cooperation and understanding,” he said.


The VON boss noted that  Africa was replete with abundant beauty and diversity, which should be leveraged by its people and showcased to the world.


He urged Africans to celebrate their diversity, cultures and achievements, and define themselves by their strengths, resilience, and beauty.


“We are not defined by our challenges; we are defined by our ability to overcome them.


“Let us unite in our efforts to promote a positive narrative about our continent, celebrate our common future and work towards a brighter tomorrow for all Africans,” Ndace said.


Also speaking, Angolan Ambassador to Nigeria José Zau said that the bloc’s 32nd anniversary was a reminder of the strong bonds of solidarity and cooperation that existed among its 16 member-states.


Zau said that it also marked the transfer of SADC’s chairmanship from President Joe Mrosso of Mozambique to President Emerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe.


He said that Mnangagwa’s chairmanship would focus on promoting innovation, which he described as crucial to unlocking opportunities for sustainable economic growth and development.


The ambassador said that over the years, SADC had faced numerous challenges, including the fight against apartheid in South Africa, the consolidation of independence, and the implementation of democratic systems.


According to him, it has made significant progress in promoting economic growth, social justice, and human development, through the collective efforts of its members.


He expressed appreciation for the support and cooperation which SADC had received from Nigeria, saying that the bloc looks forward to strengthening ties with other countries.


“We will continue to work towards achieving lasting peace and security in the region, particularly in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the province of Cabo Delgado in Mozambique.


“As we celebrate this anniversary, we are reminded of the importance of our partnership with other regions and countries, including Russia.


“Our mission is clear; to promote sustainable, equitable growth and socioeconomic development through regional cooperation, deep integration, good governance, and lasting peace and security.


“We are committed to creating a better future for the people of Southern Africa, and we are making steady progress towards achieving our goals,” the envoy said.


The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the 16-member SADC is a strong African subregional bloc,  which focuses on industrialisation, food security, adventure tourism, emerging as a stable and effective bloc in international relations.(NAN)(www.nannews.ng)

Edited by Kadiri Abdulrahman

Academy, Chinese centre partner on Mandarin language

By Gregg Mmadukolam

The Ghenerhocia Foreign Language Academy Gwarinpa, on Saturday partnered with the Chinese Cultural centre in Abuja for easy understanding of a Chinese language, called Mandarin.

Ms Akpore Oghenemarho, a Chinese teacher, said during the launch of the book “Mandarin Chinise” in Abuja that her love for the Chinese language inspired her to establish the Academy which started to train Nigerians on Mandarin, in April 2022.

According to her, Mandarin language will assist Nigerians and other foreigners to learn the language, especially when dealing with the Chinese business community.

“I also  wrote a book titled `Mandarin Chinese’  which was launched on Saturday; now there are over two billion Chinese who speak the language.

“I was, however,  inspired to write the book because many Nigerians conduct businesses with Chinese and there are  over 218 Chinese firms in Nigeria,” she said.

She further said that the Academy had trained over 60 Nigerians and foreigners since it started with its graduates doing very well in their careers.

Mr Lui Ping, Deputy Director China Cultural Centre in Nigeria, said the new book, ‘Mandarin Chinese’ is an introductory book for learning Chinese.

‘‘The book is very helpful for our Chinese-learning beginners to understand and speak Mandarin well.

Liu described the new book as an achievement to not only the author’s learning but also to the learning and teaching of Chinese.

He added that it would also foster cultural exchange and friendship between China and Nigeria.

‘‘I hope this new book will help more Chinese learners get the easy way to teach, learn and use Chinese very well,’’ he said.

The Deputy Director extolled the virtues of Oghenemarho, saying that she studied Chinese for six years, and was enthusiastic about the cultural exchanges between China and Nigeria.

Earlier, the book reviewer, Mrs Blessing Ikenna, said that the book was quite encompassing, covering a variety of things like how to greet, how to count numbers, colours and different places in Chinese language, among others.

She advised that the learners of Chinese language in Nigeria, including foreigners, should buy the book because it would enable them to understand the language seamlessly.

Fang Fang, a Chinese and a teacher at the Chinese Cultural centre in Abuja, explained that Mandarin is the language of government and education spoken by the majority of Chinese Mainland and Taiwan.

The chairman of the launch, Mr Samson Eyekosi, commended Oghenemarho for her work, adding that the book would strengthen the ties between China and Nigeria.

Eyekosi added that understanding of the Chinese language, especially Mandarin, would enhance Nigerians doing business with Chinese and also improve the nation’s economic development.

The chairman of the book launch also noted that Chinese, being the most populous country in the world, learning of Mandarin by Nigerians would engender commerce and good cordial relationships between Nigeria and China.

The event was graced by many Nigerians and Chinese, while the Alheri dancing group entertained the audience. (NAN)(www.nannews.ng)

Edited by Emmanuel Afonne

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