NGOs train 40 domestic violence survivors in financial literacy

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By Abiodun Azi

Two NGOs, the Women’s Rights and Health Project (WRAHP) and Theresa Williams Foundation (TWF), joined forces in a groundbreaking partnership to train 40 women survivors of domestic violence in financial literacy.

The Executive Director WRAHP, Mrs Bose Ironsi, who spoke at the opening of the training in Lagos on Wednesday, said the NGOs were excited to announce their partnership project called “Strengthening Women’s Awareness and Recovery from Domestic Abuse (SWARDA Project)”.

Ironsi said that the collaboration was based on shared values, organisational goals, and commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of women and children.

She added that “the primary objective of the SWARDA Project is to address the devastating impact of domestic violence against women by empowering them through financial literacy.

She listed the key training topics to include budgeting and money management, why women’s financial empowerment matters, understanding financial literacy basics, and the power of saving, mental health and legal rights.

Ironsi said: “The training goes beyond financial literacy; it is about restoring dignity, confidence, and self-sufficiency by equipping survivors with practical tools.

“We want to empower the women to break free from cycles of abuse and build brighter future, determined to make lasting difference and contribute to the eradication of domestic violence in Nigeria.”

A participant, Mrs Amaka Adigwe, said that her husband left her because she has four girls and has been struggling alone to make ends meet.

Adigwe said it was not her fault that she had girls alone “but the man left me because of that.”

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She thanked the NGOs for organising the training, saying it was insightful and she has gained a lot on self-confidence.

Another participant, Mrs Oluwafunto Adeyemi, who complained that some churches  discriminate against single mothers, however, said that with the training, she could now cope.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that WRAHP, a registered feminist, woman-led, not-for-profit organisation, promotes the health and general development of women, young people and communities using rights-based approach in Nigeria.

TWF is a UK charity committed to providing life-saving services to Africans, Caribbean women and children affected by domestic abuse. (NAN)(

Edited by Dorcas Jonah/Hadiza Mohammed-Aliyu

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